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Modifies rows in a table with new values.


Databend guarantees data integrity. In Databend, Insert, Update, and Delete operations are guaranteed to be atomic, which means that all data in the operation must succeed or all must fail.


UPDATE <table_name>
SET <col_name> = <value> [ , <col_name> = <value> , ... ]
[ FROM <table_name> ]
[ WHERE <condition> ]


-- create a table
CREATE TABLE bookstore (
book_id INT,
book_name VARCHAR

-- insert values
INSERT INTO bookstore VALUES (101, 'After the death of Don Juan');
INSERT INTO bookstore VALUES (102, 'Grown ups');
INSERT INTO bookstore VALUES (103, 'The long answer');
INSERT INTO bookstore VALUES (104, 'Wartime friends');
INSERT INTO bookstore VALUES (105, 'Deconstructed');

-- show the table before update
SELECT * FROM bookstore;

101|After the death of Don Juan
102|Grown ups
103|The long answer
104|Wartime friends

-- Update a book (Id: 103)
UPDATE bookstore SET book_name = 'The long answer (2nd)' WHERE book_id = 103;

-- show the table again after update
SELECT * FROM bookstore;

101|After the death of Don Juan
102|Grown ups
103|The long answer (2nd)
104|Wartime friends